Download Care is Like a Forest here.
For Between You and Me the Harriet Tubman Center for Curatorial Practice team curated the work of Lawrence Oliver III, who is part of Public Annex–an organization in Portland that works with adults with developmental disabilities. Additionally, participants learned about all of the artists in the exhibition and wrote interviews for them. They also talked with the curator Shannon Stratton, wrote wall labels for Lawrence’s work, and co-authored, Care is Like a Forest, an exhibition catalog as part of our work for the exhibition.
Care Is Like a Forest is an artist-produced exhibition catalogue for Between You and Me. The catalogue was coauthored by the Harriet Tubman Middle School Center for Expanded Curatorial Practice (HTC) in Portland, Oregon as part of their contribution to the exhibit. Edited by Lisa Jarrett and Harrell Fletcher. Coauthored by Bea, Elliot, Esperanza, Harrell, Joyce, Lisa, Nora, and Syncier of the Harriet Tubman Middle School for Expanded Curatorial Practice.
View the full exhibition here.
Images of work by Lawrence Oliver III. Photos courtesy of John Michael Kohler Art Center.