Please join us for the 2020-2021 KSMoCA Artist Lecture Series, which is open to members of the public and students at Dr. MLK Jr School and their families. The lecture will take place via YouTube livestream (click here to join). Intisar Abioto is currently an Artist-In-Residence at KSMoCA.
Presentations will be recorded and made available on our website as an ongoing resource for students, teachers, and members of the public.
Intisar Abioto (b. Memphis, TN. 1986) is an artist working across photography, dance, and writing. Moving from the visionary and embodied root of Blackgirl Southern cross-temporal cross-modal storytelling ways, her works refer to the living breath/breadth of people of African descent against the expanse of their storied, geographic, and imaginative landscapes. Working in long-form projects that encompass the visual, folkloric, documentary, and performing arts, she has produced The People Could Fly Project, The Black Portlanders, and The Black.
Photo by Renee Lopez